
Saturday, June 1, 2024


 Saturday, June 1, 2024 11:38:47 AM

I am determined to read more than I listen. Since 2023 I have read the King James Bible from Genesis to Revelation and the English Standard Version, I completed the New American Standard Version of the Bible in April of this year (2024) and am now reading the book of Psalms. Upon completion of the book of Psalms I will once again start reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, this is an ongoing activity, part of my daily reading.

The following is the list of books I plan to read, complete reading in 2024; I may or may not complete the task but I am trying.

  1. BOOK OF PSALMS- currently reading
  3. THE IRON TRIANGLE by Vince Everett Ellison - currently reading
  4. EARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS by Dr. Chuck Missler - currently reading 
  5. THE PERILOUS FIGHT by Dr. Ben Carson
  6. A MORE PERFECT UNION by Dr Ben Carson
  7. THE MINISTRY OF GOD'S WORD by Watchman Nee - I am ashamed to admit I started reading this book around 2002 and have yet to finish it! 
  8. THE "ERRORS" IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE  by Dr/ Peter S Ruckman
  9. CREATED EQUAL by Dr Ben Carson
  10. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN by Harriet Beecher Stowe - This book has been on my “Books to Read” list for a few years. My plan is to read along with the audio version on YouTube or audiobooks.

Obtaining knowledge through personal research AND common sense is important. In reading the Bible so many times I have learned that a lot of what I was taught by “learned” theologians has been a lie, the same is true from my political education. What I am learning now, with facts and common sense has helped me tremendously. I will continue to seek knowledge and understanding.

Written by Marsha L Floyd

Colossians 1:9-10 (KJV) 

9  For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; 

10  That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 WHY SALLY CAN’T PREACH by Jacob Tanner a book I purchased because I do not believe women should hold positions of authority in the church and a Pastor that I listen to recommended it. The bottom line: I do not recommend this book despite my decision to not read the entire book. 

1 Corinthians 15:11 (KJV) 

11  Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. 

Why did I not like the book? Let’s begin with the title and go over two definitions: can’t and preach. 

CAN’T- “can’t is a contraction of two terms can and not, can being a verb and not an adverb; it indicates an inability too

PREACH- The term “preach” is a verb and it means to proclaim.

The title of this book indicates that Sally is unable to proclaim. Yes I am being technical because his book is an attempt at being technical. Unless, Sally is a mute she is able to proclaim the word thus the title of the book becomes an indication of the tone in which this author will take. 

This book is ONLY 89 pages yet I struggled to read much of it. I read his statements and biblical justifications and then had to retreat and pray. 

At the end of chapter one on page 30, the author states: “Woman has a rank.” Are we talking about a home, a church or the military? He added: “Man has a rank” and he determines that the ranks were given by God. 

I skimmed through a few more pages and gave myself permission to stop reading this foolishness.

I believe that women should not have positions of leadership in the church and believe this is God’s way of establishing order in the church. He, God the Father, also set Jesus as the Head of the Church not man, yet he washed the feet of His disciples. The church is not about rank but purpose; the home is not about rank but maintaining order.

 If a woman stands in the pulpit and proclaims God’s word is up to the church, you don’t need a title to speak the truth. If a man wants to listen to a woman, that is his business. Yes, I believe Scripture is clear about men and their positions in church however to ignore the fact that there were many women of influence in the old and new Covenants and declare them to complete silence, except in taking care of children and talking to other women, is a misrepresentation of the word. 

Sally can preach if she wants to she does not need to be a Pastor, Bishop, or Elder to do so. If Sally’s husband says it is OK, and her church leader says it is OK, then Sally can stand at the pulpit and proclaim God’s word. She is still under authority and that is what, I believe, Scripture requires. 

Judges 4:4-6 (KJV) 

4  And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. 

5  And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment. 

6  And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtali, and said unto him, Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun? 

NOTE: Years ago I read this book entitled: Ten Lies the Church Tells Women, I wouldn’t recommend that one either. 

Written by Marsha L Floyd

Monday, August 21, 2023


 I am happy to receive and review Thomas Nelson’s New King James Bible thanks to my favorite go to website: Biblegateway.

The box that contained the Bible was elegant, serving as an introduction that created an expectation  of excellence.  If packaging means anything to you then the opening the box to see the wrapping that covered the Bible, with a “Premier Collection” authentication seal,  takes this New King James Bible to more than just an unboxing but a revealing. Finally I saw the beautiful NKJV Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible, I was not disappointed. 

The first descriptive word that comes to mind is “clean” followed by “elegant. My Bible, the one I received, is a brown goatskin leather, no writing is found on the cover. The spine reads: HOLY BIBLE, and at the base of the spine New King James Version, Thomas Nelson. What else is needed? 

Opening up the book I appreciated the words which is written on premium European Bible paper with art-gilded gold edges. The font is very legible, I wear progressive glasses which makes this feature very important to me. I also  noted the font in the reference section and the maps are also legible to me.  Finally, there are three ribbons tucked inside to be used as needed in three unique colors: brown, red and blue. It is a Bible that is meant to be used as well as seen.

The Thomas Nelson NKJV, Personal Size Large Print, End-of-Verse Reference Bible, Premium Goatskin Leather  is a reference Bible. Unfortunately the references are not as extensive as I would like. I looked up words that I believe are relevant to what might people might be interested in today: wine, love, wife, marriage, married, sodomites, faith and government; faith had the most references and government had none. 

When I review Bibles I do not give such detailed description as I wrote in the first few paragraphs. At the time of this writing many people are think of gifts to give to various people of faith, this is not a Bible I would want to give to someone who is going to put it on a shelf and forget about it. This is a Bible to be gifted to someone who is going to use it, perhaps for his or her personal Bible study, but not take it to church with him or her. This is a Bible you gift to someone who appreciates the word of God and quality.

 Never would I have imagined as a #BibleGatewayPartner that I would receive such a gorgeous book for review. Many of the Bibles I have reviewed I have given away, though I have kept more. Because of it’s elegance I don’t want to give this one away, however by the time this review is posted the new owner will have it in her possession. The new owner is young in her faith but does appreciate God’s word, she does read her Bible, meaning she already owns one or two. The new owner is ready to go deeper in the word, this Bible is inspirational and motivational.  I am gifting this Bible to her because she will use it, she will be able to take advantage of the reference section, she will appreciate the craftsmanship, and she will not be afraid to write notes in it. 

YES, I recommend this Bible. I might just by me one just because. 

                          Written by Marsha L Floyd 

NOTE: In exchange for receiving the Thomas Nelson NKJV,  Personal Size Large Print,  End -of-Verse Reference Bible - Premium GoatSckin Leather  I agreed to write and publish an honest review. I received this Bible for free as a member of the #BibleGatewayPartner. 

Friday, August 11, 2023


 The truth is everywhere and you really don't need a book to know it. People should stop listening to those who profit from the lies of "isms" and remember the real history of the world.  - Marsha L Floyd

Thursday, August 10, 2023

HISTORY IN BLACK- learning about slavery in America


Yes, slavery is bad, harsh and often cruel, yet, the enslaved survived. As I dive into my family history and discover the life  my ancestors lived I appreciate what they endured. It is because I look back and learn how they survived despite the obstacles I am determined to live because of my opportunities. 
The historical reenactments are created so that we will not forget. Those who want to tear down, paint over or ignore the past are destined to repeat history. 
"Take note of the blessings you are given." Brenda Parker


Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven. 

As i watched this reenactment, I think about how blessed I am. The song: I Wont Complain by Reverend Paul Jones came to mind. To many people complain about what they don't have compared to what other people have; this is what it means to covet. 
A thought: we were enslaved because the trive our ancestors were a part of lost the battle and became slaves; the defeated tribe was sold; slaves owned by one tribe was sold to the highest bidder.  Though our ancestors worshipped gods we learned of the one True God; the war did not free us; Jesus set us free. 

                                  written by Marsha L Floyd


'Ive had some good days

I've had some hills to climb

I've had some weary days

And some sleepless nights

But when I look around

And I think things over

All of my good days

Outweigh my bad days

I won't complain

Sometimes the clouds are low

I can hardly see the road

I ask a question, Lord

Lord, why so much pain?

But he knows what's best for me

Although my weary eyes

They can't see

So I'll just say thank you Lord

I won't complain

The Lord

Has been so good to me

He's been good to me

More than this old world

Or you could ever be

He's been so good

To me

He dried all of my tears away

Turned my midnights into day

So I'll just say thank you Lord

I've been lied on

But thank you Lord

I've been talked about

But thank you Lord

I've been misunderstood

But thank you Lord

You might be sick

Body reeking with pain

But thank you Lord

The bills are due

Don't know where

The money coming from

But thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord

I want

I want to thank God

God, God, God

Has been so good to me

He's been good to me

More than this old world

Or you could ever be

He's been so good

He's been so good

He's been so good

So good, So good, So good, So good

To me

He dried all of my tears away

Turned my midnight into day

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

FAITH, FAMILY & TRADITION- family of 10 does it well

 I came across this YouTube channel and was mesmerized by it's content. The level of cohesiveness, respect and productivity I see is refreshing. This is an excellent example of a Christian family that happens to to include two cultures.

These two videos: #1 Visiting a college campus - the entire family of 10! Video #2 Celebrating the Korean New Year ( I really loved this one). 💓💓💓