
Sunday, October 31, 2021

*New feature: BIBLE STUDY

 Every week I post BIBLE TALK, a video discussion vlog. I would like to share it with my readers in BEYNOD THE BOOKSTORE in hopes of generating a discussion.  Today's discussion; UNANSWERED PRAYER

Wednesday, October 20, 2021



The trick to listening to audio books is to be doing something, I sew. I know many people who listen to audio books while they are driving others listen while they are exercising. The reason you have to be doing something is to stay awake- a good audio book is like a bed time story, it will put you to sleep.

NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF FREDRICK DOUGLASS by Fredrick Douglass in audio book format is available FREE on YouTube the Audio Books channel.  

This audiobook is a 3 part series of a man, a former slave, who lived from about 1818 to 1895. The length of each section is as follows: Part 1- 59:54, Part 2- 52:46, and Part 3- 2:10:44. The division makes sense because part one is primarily introductions and such, part two is the foundation and part three is the meat of the book- the life of a slave. 

As a child I read a biography of Fredrick Douglass, I am sure I had a crush on this very handsome man. Reading back then, as I read now, I understood the sins of slavery. Back then I read as a child now I understand as an adult and I submit to everyone reading this book is something we all should do. 

There is no doubt that Mr. Douglas was treated harshly yet, as he explains, others were treated worst. Mr. Douglas pointed out that not all White people were cruel but that did not make slavery tolerable. 

This narrative succinctly describes, details, the life of a man who should not be owned. He describes the events of his bondage: the lack of food, the harsh work, the penalties- beatings- for disobedience, and even the inability to do anything about a woman being raped by the “Master” or the Master’s friends.  

But, in discussing the cruelties of slavery he injects the mindset of a man determined to be free. He talked about learning to read and write and even teaching others. I was moved as he and other fellow slaves made plans to escape, clearly these were not “ignorant niggers” but intelligent men and women. 

Books like NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF FREDRICK DOUGLASS are not on many reading list in todays schools. I believe it is because Mr. Douglas a Black man succeeded despite the real racism he experienced. This book encourages people to: work hard, study hard, not let people who hate you stop you and  have faith in God not man.   

Every Black male should read or listen to this book. The moral of this story: If God is on your side no man can keep you down.  

   Written by Marsha L Floyd.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

HEALING ACROSS the VEIL by Margaret Grace

 I can tell you what I think of HEALING ACROSS THE VEIL by Margaret Grace in less than 5 words but I will add 5 more: I don’t like it and I do not recommend it. 

This is the second book I was asked to review in which the author declares that the dead helped write the book. Both authors claim “spirituality” and Ms. Grace mentions god (note I purposely used a lower case “g”). 

I area of specialty in writing and book reviews is biblically based literature. I usually warn writers that I am very critical when the Bible is invoked. Technically, this author did not cite Scripture or reference Jesus, she confessed to being ‘spiritual’. Note, she did reference Scripture but it was clear she has no clue.

It took me almost a month to read this 59 page book because my faith would not allow me to comprehend the darkness found throughout the pages.  I finally asked my heavenly father why. Why could I not get into this book? His answer: 

1 Corinthians 14:33

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Her words, the sequence of the chapters, the explanations for her experiences fell short of clarity. It may have made sense to her but despite the topic of discussion being important- being molested as a child- the presentation of the information fell short. 

The facilitator of her healing was her ability to speak to the dead not the Holy Spirit. I remember decades ago accompanying my sister to a psychic. My sister was able to speak to a deceased relative but when it became my turn there was nothing. Demonic spirits cannot talk to God’s children, at that time my sister did not have a personal relationship with God through Jesus.  As a member of the Unity Church the author was able to speak to a demonic spirit posing as her father. 

I had to Google ‘Unity Church’ to be sure my understanding of its’ doctrine was accurate.  To say it is a Christ centered church would be a lie, just like the title of this book.

The book is not biblically based. It is found on ‘spirtuality’ via a generic faith system that has nothing to do with Creator God. If Amazon allows me to post this review it will receive a one star only because I cannot give it a thumbs down. THERE ARE OTHER BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED ABUSE GET THEM.   Written by Marsha L Floyd