Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. It is important that you grasp this concept while you read "Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Fear: Six Weeks to Change, A Biblical Plan for Anxiety Management and Changing Your Life!
This is a Bible based inspiring self help book that may be written for
individuals who experience anxiety, depression et al as the title reveals
however its’ practical tips can be applied to us all.
Before getting into the actual six weeks approach the writers establish a
basis for change. With or without insomnia: prayer, exercise, rest, the words
you speak and a few other concepts mentioned must be examined and the necessary
corrections made before real change can occur.
I am not plagued with any of the difficulties mentioned in the books’
title I do experience stress from time
to time and I can tell you that reading "Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Fear: Six Weeks to Change, A Biblical Plan for Anxiety Management and Changing Your Life!
" was beneficial.
As I mentioned faith comes by hearing the good news is that along with
the numerous Bible verses shared in Part III there is a FREE audio available to
download. The mp3 audio is available at
the SIX WEEKS TO CHANGE website. The
combination of reading and hearing will facilitate your believing and
subsequent change from a life of anxiety, depression, insomnia, fear or even
stress to a life of joy and peace.
I recommend Six Weeks to Change not only for those having problems with
discouragement but those who know of someone needing to be encouraged. Equally
important is the accompanying audio.
It was a privilege to receive a complimentary copy of this book in
exchange for a review.