"Evil Does Not Have The Last Word"
by Eric Shoars Ph.D. is a slow paced Biographical / Inspirational book. It is
a one sided conversation in which the author explains to the listener, or in
this case the reader, how to overcome dark times. It is not just the author’s
experiences that are discussed but those of others who have encountered
difficult times which could be considered evil.
I am struggling to write a review only because I see where
the author was going however the pace of the book made it difficult for me to
stay interested. Perhaps if I was going through some personal tragedy it would have
been easier to follow.
Now, I am thinking that perhaps this is a “guy”. In “Evil Does Not Have The Last Word
” Dr. Shoars uses comic heroes to make some points. This is definitely not like many of the other
books on hope that I have read in the past.
The fact that “Evil Does Not Have The Last Word
” is not like any
other books may be why this book is well worth reading. Often when we are going through difficult
times the books seem to read and say the same thing. Because his approach is
different perhaps this is really the one you need particularly if you have just
experienced a tragedy.
I recommend this book and though it is worth the purchase you might want to read a few pages first.
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for
a review.
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