The Mercy Prayer: The One Prayer Jesus Always Answers
by Robert Gelinas was not what I expected based on the title.
Headlined as “The One Prayer Jesus Answered” I expected to read about how to pray effectively when going
through difficult times. What I read was a book on God's mercy throughout scripture.
For a
better understanding of God’s mercy reading The Mercy Prayer: The One Prayer Jesus Always Answers
would be very helpful.
The author walks the reader through a Biblical study of how Father God reveals
His love for His children in their times of need.
My hesitancy
in really liking this book is the complexity of the concept as the author Robert Gelinas presents it. I have been taught and teach the simplest prayer is: “Help”
no need to pray “Lord have mercy” as the author suggest (page 62). I believe God’s mercy by definition has
nothing to do with what we do or do not understand but more with His love and
compassion for us, saved or unsaved. Therefore, it is important to understand
that He is a merciful God (reading this book will help) however we have no
control over whom He shows mercy to.
I will cause all My goodness to pass before you, and I will declare My name, the Eternal One, before you. I will show mercy to whomever I choose to show mercy, and I will demonstrate compassion on whomever I choose to have compassion. Exodus 33:19 The Voice
basis of The Mercy Prayer: The One Prayer Jesus Always Answers
is to teach people how merciful God is, I don’t think
we will ever in our humanistic mind be able to fully grasp this subject. It is
easy to believe God will forgive our sins it is those individuals who are on
the major sin list (ideologically speaking) that cause us to not fully accept the mercy of Father God.
As believers all we can do is to trust Him and lean not to our understanding.
recommend this book to my readers. I would suggest getting an eBook or
borrowing a copy. xxx Marsha L Randolph
I received
a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a review.
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