
Monday, January 14, 2013


     “The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant” by Terry Felber is a fictional story of one man’s discovery of the key to success. The book contains twelve principles to becoming successful after discovering one’s purpose. Included in the 184 pages is a 57 page study guide for personal or group study. 
     I was anxious to read this book because of its’ title and the forward by respected financial advisor Dave Ramsey.  As I read this story I kept thinking about another book with a similar concept as much as I tried not to I found myself comparing the two. Around the fourth chapter I decided to skim through the remainder of the book for fear I would not complete it.  Considering the story only  119 pages (some of them blank) I was surprised that it took me a few days to complete it. 
      If you are looking for a book to incorporate in a small group that has a business theme then by all means check "The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant" out. Since each chapter  makes an excellent vignette for the corresponding study guide the book will facilitate in personal growth and development. Because I have read the “Greatest Salesman in the World” I was disappointed in the plot and dialogue, I found  both to be too simplistic.

I would recommend this book but suggest you check it out at the library first. xxx Marsha L. Randolph

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Book Sneeze in exchange for a free review.


  1. It's hard to give an honest review when we really aren't thrilled with the book. I appreciate your level post. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and your understanding words. I have actually visited your site a time or two. I have to keep you on my list when I get request for book reviews, I only review books by Christian authors and very little fiction.
