The forward to King Rules: Ten Truths for You, Your Family, and Our Nation to Prosper
by Alveda King begins with a forward written by the Honorable J. C. Watts which establishes such a level of expectation for the reader that anything less than a great read would make the 189 page book not worth the paper it was printed on. Reading the forward, which set the tone of this hopefully great book, I was ready to sit down and read a story about the King family. This is not another book about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I was pleasantly surprised to discover that King Rules: Ten Truths for You, Your Family, and Our Nation to Prosper
was not just another book about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It is a collection of faith based generational lessons that anyone can apply to his or her life.
The King family stories serve as a foundation for the ten rules,life principles, that Alveda King presents to the reader. As a a nation we know the sacrifice the late honorable Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr made on behalf of this country and we are familiar with the contributions of other members of the King family. By incorporating the behaviors of these great American’s within the pages of the book the reader is able to understand the importance of each rule.
I was sharing with my daughter the contents of this book for two reasons: 1) I felt validated as a parent because my philosophies agreed with the words I found on this page and 20 I want her to read this book as she raises my grandchildren. Not only did I recommend this book to my daughter I also recommend you purchase a copy of this book. Marsha L Randolph
I received a complimentary copy of in exchange for an honest and fair review.
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